What is Hybrid WAN, How It Works and Why Every Business Needs It?

Ricky Philip July 22, 2020

Hybrid SD-WAN is one of the most popular use cases that enterprises are looking for solutions today! With the implementation of SD-WAN solutions, service providers have an opportunity to use hybrid to increase business possibilities.

What is Hybrid WAN?

Hybrid WAN is a method of correlating two geographically separated WANs to a branch office with the traffic being sent over two separate connections.

  1. Traditional MPLS
  2. Broadband connection

Where all the regular business or enterprise traffic that is expected to go to the data center takes the MPLS route, and the quicker data such as credit card payments, etc take the faster broadband route.

How Does a Hybrid WAN Work?

There is a reason why enterprises focus on hybrid WAN. This trend in wide area network matters because it finds solutions to predicaments that occur with the more traditional WAN architecture. By channeling traffic undeviatingly to the Internet, it reduces excess bounces and latency that can frequently happen when traffic goes through a data center. 

A hybrid WAN has increased cost-efficiency because regulating traffic over the Internet is by far less costlier than using an MPLS link.

Hybrid WANs have been around for almost a decade in various forms, often in separate networks such as the internet, MPLS and LTE; which are connected by different service providers to different sites. These solutions are not always the most practical for various enterprises because it is difficult for them to manage all the service providers simultaneously. For service providers, also there are some serious challenges with the Hybrid WANs, such as:

  • MPLS lacks agility and is complex: The issue with MPLS is that it takes anywhere between 3 to 4 months to provision MPLS services. it’s also not always practical to connect sites that are small and may not have better accessibility
  • Affordability and cost: For those smaller sites sometimes internet connections are not always available, therefore that can be an issue to have an MPLS, an idle LTE or internet connection; and also most smaller companies cannot afford multiple connections
  • Inability to connect 2 or more connections: When a site has multiple connections it cannot use the fusion of using all of those combinations simultaneously. 

What Is Hybrid SD-WAN?

A Hybrid WAN often operates in connection with the software-defined WAN and relies on the SD-WAN’s aptitude to disperse the traffic.

A Hybrid WAN could even be converted into an SD-WAN by appending SD-WAN technology. A hybrid SD-WAN is often considered an enhancement because it enables a user to adopt strategies to control pathway configuration and selection. It further suggests that the branch office can be reconfigured more efficiently and swiftly.

A hybrid SD-WAN additionally enables traffic to flawlessly move between the links with no loss of quality and with an enhanced application experience.

Hybrid WAN vs Software-Defined WAN

The Hybrid WAN and Software-Defined WAN technologies make the current WAN flexible and agile to resolve difficulties that endure with outdated WAN technologies.

For example, the large organizations use MPLS from a service provider for its numerous sites and it usually extends a supplementary network to off-load few applications to its data centers and streamline its traffic.

The reason various large organizations rely on MPLS is that it comes with a service agreement and contributes further services like customer help desk, central billing and much more.

Why Does Every Business Require a Hybrid WAN?

A Hybrid WAN facilitates the common control of both private (MPLS) and internet circuits at all enterprise locations. 

With the implementation of SD-WAN enterprises can leverage dynamic pathways for traffic funneling, turn on cloud security services to implement optimal and secure cloud admittance from any position in the network.

Hybrid WAN deployment eases network traffic congestion and delivers efficiencies in bandwidth. Yet defining policies to direct the appropriate application traffic overhead the accurate circuit at the precise moment proceeds to be a difficulty, even comprehending what traffic went where is usually not easy to ascertain.

The unparalleled growth in digital transformation advances to have a significant influence on industries and IT enterprises.  Therefore, to achieve enhanced agility and quicker response rates for business needs, enterprises are intensely migrating many of their applications to the cloud. 

To encourage these transitions, corporations are frequently studying to leverage a hybrid WAN strategy where higher bandwidth and lower cost services are used in addition to MPLS links. This supports improving network accessibility,  bandwidth capability and improvement in application performance. 

As businesses evaluate their difficulties they need to assess and analyze their requirements:

  • An intelligent solution that recognizes and labels applications, allowing the solution to dynamically direct traffic over the WAN based on the business requirements rather than remaining restricted by the physical architecture of the network
  • A solution that permits application SLAs across any carrier and entirely uses all accessible bandwidth while achieving better availability and cumulative application performance
  • A solution that rationalizes and automates the adoption of multiple WAN transport services, while implementing real-time visibility within the concerns affecting application or network performance
  • A completely integrated solution with performance features that are built in to enhance security and application abilities, therefore protecting the branch when using broadband services.

Benefits of Hybrid WAN

Hybrid WAN provides enterprises more network uptime while decreasing the expenses of the traditional, MPLS-driven WAN.

Better Performance

The Active multi-path optimization implementation in Hybrid WAN contributes to better enterprise-grade performance and availability, it also provides better perceptibility and authority to traffic giving important data more bandwidth.

Quick Branch Deployment

The Virtualized services in deploying a Hybrid WAN is much quicker and efficient compared to the traditional WAN deployment.

Cost-effective Model

The Hybrid WAN as a service eradicates expensive and complicated to install datacenter gear. This categorized network also implements automatic redundancy and scaling that challenging for on-premise networks to achieve.

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Author Bio

Ricky Philip is a content strategist, who has an unparalleled dedication to building productive and engaging website content that attracts traffic and increase search engine rankings. If not typing furiously on his keyboard, Ricky is constantly learning ways to enhance search traffic acquisitions.