Case Studies

Test Automation Case Study: Reducing Testing Cycle Time

September 20, 2024

Explore ThinkPalm’s test automation case study that showcases the challenges in the testing methods along with the solutions offered by ThinkPalm for a top-tier US-based AI-powered Unified Observability and Acceleration service provider. It impacted their ability to offer quality customer solutions as they found it hard to manage their enormous backlog of tests. Further, it has led to lengthy release cycles and a slower time-to-market.

Business Challenges

The company faced the following challenges, and ThinkPalm provided expert solutions.

Backlog of Test

There were more backlog manual test cases, and it directly impacted delivering new features and updates. 

Lengthy Release Cycles

The time consumed for completing release cycles was high. Consequently, it hit the company’s readiness to respond to the evolving market demands.

The AI-powered Unified Observability and Acceleration service provider has partnered with ThinkPalm to fix these issues all at once by accelerating performance, efficiency, and reliability. ThinkPalm helped the client with test automation services, so the manual backlog is almost nil or less.

The solutions covered:

Development of Test Cases 

ThinkPalm has helped its client incorporate a new feature and assisted with manual regression testing. 

Library Addition/ Modification 

Enhanced the existing library for new test cases and modified the scripts to improve test efficiency and coverage. 

Fix Old Scripts 

Updated the existing scripts to make them compatible with the latest build requirements to reduce errors and anomalies. 

Daily Auto Aggression and Triaging 

Automated daily testing for quick identification and prioritization of issues in test cases and rapid resolution. 

Major/Point Release 

Completed more than 15 major/point releases that ensured comprehensive integration and deployment. 

Value-Added Services 

ThinkPalm’s support helped the client enjoy several significant benefits, such as: 

Substantial Reduction in Test Cycles 

The client’s test cycle has been reduced from two months to one month to facilitate faster time to market. 

Improved Test Automation Coverage 

Improved automation coverage for new test cases by 60 percent for all upcoming releases to ensure quality. 

Endless Integration 

Facilitated easy integration with the client’s team for flawless transition and collaboration. 

Backlog Automation and Management 

Helped the client team pay attention to new enhancements while ThinkPalm owned the backlog automation and management. Further, it helped streamline testing activities. 

Technology and Tools Used 

Programming Languages Used: Python and Perl 

Testing Framework: Pytest 

Test Management: GRITS (Client-owned) 

Requirement and Bug Tracking: Jira 

Version Control: Git 

Code Review: Review Board 

Continuous Integration: Jenkins 

Traffic generation: Pload and IXIA 

ThinkPalm’s extensive solutions helped the SD-WAN solutions provider AI-powered Unified Observability and Acceleration service provider to address its challenges. The test automation process perceivably reduced testing time, improved automation coverage, and optimized productivity for the client. Above all, it helped them offer flawless, high-quality solutions.

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