Case Studies

Connected Device: iOS App for Smart Self-Injection Management

November 8, 2023

Our client’s electronic auto-injector, with a reusable injection device and a disposable cassette, required an iOS smartphone application that permits the app user to interface with the auto-injector for various data requests. The application was required to help the user configure a treatment plan, receive automated reminders to avoid missing shots, and track improvements without consultation.


The absence of injectors and cassettes for development and testing.

Technologies Used

  • Swift 3.0
  • Realm Swift DB
  • CoreBluetoothKit

ThinkPalm Solution

The iOS smartphone application employing Objective-C was developed for a world-class producer of disposable medical devices and components for the OEM market.

It interfaces with electronic auto-injectors to administer injections as per schedule without missing a single shot. Multiple injectors can be configured with the application for one-on-one mapping, specific to the injector.

The app interfaces with a cloud component to back up the injector details. Treatment plans comprising drug name, dosage, and injection site can be configured on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

Automatic reminders with the drug name and dosage are sent by the application at the stipulated time. Additional reminders will be initiated from the cloud if the user does not respond to an injection reminder. The quantity of medicine left in the injector will be maintained in the cloud and be helpful to prompt reminders.

Connected Device: iOS App for Smart Self-Injection Management

Data exchange between the app and the injector is realized using Bluetooth protocol. Data will be synced continuously in both directions: application to injector and injector to application according to defined connectivity protocol.

The injector will inform the application about various statuses using push notification over Bluetooth. The app provides details such as the status of the injection taken and injection logs fetched from the injector.

Users can order new cassettes from online pharmacies, rate symptoms post injections, and view graphical data to track improvements based on drug dosage and symptom ratings. The “Help” and “Instructions” sections help users understand common injector issues and use the application with ease.


The application automates the complete process of self-injection, encompassing ordering cassettes, sending timely reminders to the user based on the treatment plan, tracking the progress achieved, and more at the click of a button!

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